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Direct flight prices to Sal vary minute by minute. To give you a flavour, here are prices for the next few weeks, for direct flights to Sal Cape Verde from London Gatwick, Birmingham and Manchester. It's worth considering alternative airports and dates because there can be terrific cost savings. Or, if prices are more than £500 return, it's worth looking at indirect routes such as those operated by TAP.

1 week return flight price from £ 299 pp

2 week return flight price from £ 309 pp




1 week return



2 weeks return


Departure airport


2 Aug £ 429 £ Gatwick
9 Aug £ 559 £ Gatwick
16 Aug £ 649 £ Gatwick
23 Aug £ 529 £ 439 Gatwick
30 Aug £ 299 £ 379 Gatwick
6 Sept £ 349 £ 489 Gatwick
13 Sept £ 389 £ 429 Gatwick
20 Sept £ 389 £ 409 Gatwick
27 Sept £ 389 £ 389 Gatwick
27 July £ 379 £ 429 Birmingham
3 Aug £ 429 £ 679 Birmingham
10 Aug £ 459 £ 609 Birmingham
17 Aug £ 409 £ 669 Birmingham
24 Aug £ 549 £ 309 Birmingham
31 Aug £ 299 £ 389 Birmingham
7 Sept £ 349 £ 605 Birmingham
14 Sept £ 389 £ 515 Birmingham
21 Sept £ 459 £ Birmingham
28 Sept £ 439 £ 439 Birmingham
28 July £ 359 £ 429 Manchester
4 Aug £ 399 £ 679 Manchester
11 Aug £ 379 £ 549 Manchester
18 Aug £ 405 £ 559 Manchester
25 Aug £ 389 £ 329 Manchester
1 Sept £ 359 £ 389 Manchester
8 Sept £ 359 £ 449 Manchester
15 Sept £ 349 £ 379 Manchester
22 Sept £ 419 £ 419 Manchester
29 Sept £ 389 £ 399 Manchester

Note: Flight times subject to change at any moment. There may not be availability. Prices include taxes, but do not include baggage, meals, sitting together.

Last updated: 22 July 2010


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